Stock Recently Alerted
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CIEN February 4th, 2025
Alert at 86.67
ABBV February 3rd, 2025
Alert at 183.20
VST February 3rd, 2025
Alert at 160.11
CAVA February 3rd, 2025
Alert at 131.19
NVDA February 3rd, 2025
Alert at 114.20
What Our Subscribers Say
As traders or investors, we shouldn’t focus on what triggered the market sell-off. If it wasn’t Trump’s policies, it would have been something else. A sell-off is inevitable when the market overheats. it’s a natural and healthy part of the cycle. I appreciate Scott for this very reason—he removes emotions from the market and stays open-mi...
John W.
Moritz, you and Scott are ridiculously good at what you do. Keep up the great work boys!...
Matty G.
Getting used to your style, and really like it. with some of my own dd, things going really well. Thank you...
Manuel D.
I follow people on Twitter calling trades that you or Scott have already given us a week ago....
Khaliq P
These discords are great for trading /investing and educating people. I’ve learned so much in 4 months than ever watching CNBC and financial news. And I’ve watched CNBC since 2005. It’s pure entertainment and trash....
Monir A.
Earning season is something @LIVE Trade Pro Scott excels at! I encourage everyone to follow his calls!...
David O.
Solid month! Thank you @LIVE Trade Pro Scott @moritz06 !! if not picking your Alerts , directional clues and learning here is helping !!...
Hardik D.
I’m very grateful for you guys here! You’ve changed my life so far and I’m very grateful @LIVE Trade Pro Scott and @moritz06...
Tony S.
Calling it a day, swinging rest of my open positions into next week. Thanks as always @moritz06 @LIVE Trade Pro Scott couple of the best trading days so far for me. One of the best weeks too!...
Nirmam P
You're good Scott. I take your alerts for guidance because I'm busy with my day job but try to make my own trades in terms of taking profits and closing out positions....
Matt J.
I just signed back up for a Livetradepro subscription. To be honest, I should have never left in the first place. Literally a week after I canceled my membership, my patience went out the window along with $70,000. It feels great to be back already....
Matthew G.
The best retreat I was ever on gave you the tools to find God and it was up to you to do the rest, so I appreciate your technique!...
Karl M.
Scott your optimism is awesome. It comes from your wisdom. Thank you. It helps me a lot....
Steve F.
Do your ears ring every weekday Scott? Because I send thanks to you everyday for your constant (good) nagging - #AssureProfits!!! This time last year I cashed out one of my accounts which allowed me to survive this year, and possibly next few years. Sending you my gratitude and love because you were my 1st chat room registration back in the day! If...
Chez S.
Direct from chat: 11:15 am Lou : Hey Scott, I'm glad you added Sal to the team. He contributes a lot of useful insights during the day. Despite having eight monitors and numerous open charts I still can't seem to keep up with every single thing affecting the markets. It's nice to be able to quickly glance at chat and see multiple updates from Sal ...
Scott, A Big Thank You! Just wanted to send you a quick note to say Thank you! Over the past 30-days my trading account is up over 35% You're alerts and knowledge have helped me navigate this tough market to be able to still make some money. I appreciate you and all your efforts! Let's keep winning :)...
Adam S.
Thank you for your services. It's easy to use....
Francois T.
I’m really enjoying your private twitter feed Scott. I drive a truck for a living (big rig) and it’s perfect for me throughout the day. ...
Kirby N.
One of the things I admire most about your service is that you have a plethora of useful knowledge unlike these other knuckleheads out there! Kind of like an algorithm, always working! Keep it coming Scott!...
Matthew G.
Hi Scott, Wanted to let you know that I’ve enjoyed your private Twitter and have upgraded to your more premium service on your website. Thanks!...
Kerry K.
I’ll have you know while I was away from your service, I lost $48,586. When I was with your service, I made $67,432. Goes to show, follow the pro! Happy to be back Happy holidays to you and your family...
Matthew G.
Hi Scott, I like your style Scott and certainly admire the level of work you are putting in. And though I've been doing this awhile I'm learning some moves from you that are new to me. Thanks!...
Doug N.
Hi Scott When I joined your subscription service, I had a loss of close to $300K on a portfolio of $1 million. In the last 4 months, I made as much as $200K profit and all the thanks goes to you. I still have a loss of less than $100K, but I have confidence that I will make it in the next 2 months. You are a great soul...
Shankar G.
I made $30k profit in the last couple of weeks trading APP and APPS. Neither stock was on my radar prior. Thanks for all the hard work. I know it's not easy!...
Daniel G
Hi Scott, I have been a member for just a few weeks. Great service! Probably the best I have tried. I am hoping to expand my membership to include chat-willing to pre-pay for the year. Not sure how i can go about making this change. Thanks in advance....
Marc C.
Thanks a lot, Scott. You have been a great guide and advisor. I have been earning profits from the trades advised by you. I had accumulated huge losses about 20% plus in YTD trading and was anxious earlier but no more now, as I am confident of recovering the losses....
Ganesh S.
Just saying hello! I should be more interactive but I follow along and do trade actively throughout the day too. I’m feeling pretty good with the way the month/quarter shaped up. I’m finishing at the highs of the year so far after getting a little beaten up last month. Hope all is well!...
Andrew H.
Happy Saturday Scott, I have been a member for a few months and I love picking from your alerts, you post them, I chart them, if they meet what I am doing at that point I will invest, its a great tool.. I'm working a full time job, for now and trading part time during the day. The bigger value of your service just showed itself to me this wee...
John M.
I’ve been following Scott’s service on and off for the past 4 years and commend him for being a master at what he does. The fact that he’s consistently successful allowed me to build my confidence as I trade & invest (& speculate, LOL). My learning journey can be summed up through Isaac Newton’s quote, “If I have seen further than...
Q. D.
Scott just let you know that - following your right strategy I made the highest profit in one day - and still making more by doing swing. A million thank you to you, hopefully I’m going to paid off my student loan very soon, will update you when that happens....
Samuel D.
Scott, This month marks the one-year anniversary since I began using your service. I’m not sure exactly when I began but I think it was the beginning of August. So I wanted to give you some feedback on my experience so far. First some background, I’m 52 years old and I’ve been trading since the late 90’s, yes I had my first huge losses du...
Lou N.
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the alerts, emails and lessons about trading. I really appreciate your service. I am happy to announce that since i joined your service, I began to see green in my account. And i got to go on vacation for 2 months. :-) Again, thank you so much. I greatly appreciate your assistance with my trading....
Elijah A.
Thanks for the assistance by way of your efforts in posting charts, stocks to watch, webinars, entry and exit ideas etc.... Nobody can say you don’t give enough guidance that’s for sure. Also appreciate the quality alerts, even if some days there aren’t very many. That’s just how it goes sometimes! Appreciate how you don’t try to make thi...
Rob C.
Scott, Just a big thanks for the incredible talent and knowledge you share daily. And for the renewed confidence that I've gained by trading beside you. You definitely have the gift! You’re an incredibly giving person that actually cares if his group makes money. Rare these days! Thank you....
Jake D.
re Software upgrade for member website. Sweet! That is very exciting news! Thank you so much for the update. You really separate yourself from everyone out there; between your great advice/alerts (which I am still learning how to use to be honest), multiple avenues of alerts, communication (like this) and motivational and instructional tweets, I c...
David C.
Hi Scott, I want to thank you for your great service, your stock selection and cool head within volatility is awesome, it definitely gives me peace of mind when entering a trade and holding! I don't have time during my job and have found the private Twitter feed works best for my situation. Thank you again, and have a great weekend!...
Josh R
You have called out these patterns over and over in chat. Always teaching us. Another advantage of being in chat but more importantly not just alerts but showing us how to read charts and make informed decisions. Thanks for showing us the ropes....
Aurthur S
I want to take a minute and share what a huge help Scott has been for me. My account value is at an all time high since I joined in October 2018. Throughout this difficult period on the market, my profit this week alone is up an additional 10%. Besides his alerts, including calling the market bottom in Dec.,2018, he has showed me his techniques f...
Arthur S.
Scott, I’ve had many years of ups and downs in the market following another trading advice service who’s trading style ultimately did not work for a small account or me. Unfortunately it took me years to come to this realization and many many thousands of dollars. Over those years I got a great education in what NOT to do in the market and h...
Michael C.
I took the trial here under the thought “If Scott can make me $159 in the trial week, I will stick around” I made the first year’s membership fees in that week....
Dustin A.
Hey Scott - Loving your service! Your text alerts are the best - great communication on what's hot based on your TA ...Thanks!...
Brad A.
Scott, It gives me lot of confidence to enter in a trade when I see a follow up email on any stock from you . I would say this is the differentiating factor between you and other services that I have used in the past. Thanks,...
Chandan C.
Hi Scott, gotta tell you that the last few weeks have been awesome. I love the atmosphere in the chat room and your sense of humor, oh ya and the money I have made is incredible....
Phil B.
Thank you! I’m not a professional trader, far from it. But I’ve been day trading parttime for about 8 years. I’ve been pretty lucky and made some really great money in the past , but the stockmarket environment and volatility has changed and over the past 18 months I was experiencing less gains on my trades and bigger losses. Luckily I spotte...
Israel L.
Hi Scott, Just wanted to say thanks. Your setups are so simple and sensible. It increased my confidence as a trader. I have seen so many services but nothing like yours in terms of risk management....
Vijay C
Hey Scott, After going through a few other chat rooms, I decided to rejoin LiveTradePro. You have the best stock chat that I've experienced out of all of them by far-- not only are you particularly knowledgeable, you also make the experience very relatable to the common person which, I'll have you know, is rare in the other rooms. I'll be stick...
Ryan L.
I'd say you're one of the best in terms of accurate calls combined with ease of actionability....
James G
Dear Scott , I am new to trading , I am very lucky to find your website. I bought every stock you emailed me . Amazing results. No matter how the market is we can make money with your advice. It is always surprising to me how accurately you predict the market moves. Though I am new to this trading business , I feel very safe buying the st...
Sridhar R.
Scott, Thanks for all the work you do. Your training has sharpened my trading eye and with your site I've become a much better trader. Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day. Teach a man to fish... :-)...
Derek B.
Scott, Just wanted to take the time to congratulate you and thank you for the amazing service I am receiving from you. Your recommendations this week have made me increase my portfolio more than in the last 3 months. Keep up the good work....
Ray G.
Hi Scott, It’s been two months now, and my portfolio is up 45%. I don’t recall I’ve performed this good in such a short period. Your awesome stock picks and the chat room environment gives confidence and boost to my existing trading system. It’s not that I cannot analyze technical signals or identify trading opportunity, but often it get...
Khalid A.
I haven't been in chat lately due to med school boards but those should be done soon. Your advice is paying for a majority of my 100kish a year cost of attending at this point. Best regards...
Sergey T.
Great first week Scott. I enjoyed the trial $$$ and wish to continue on. You have a gift for seeing things most can't see including me:-)...
Mark I.
Hi Scott. You've done a superlative job of keeping your flock focused on and invested in stocks which have soared higher, a la PI and EXAS. To say nothing of AAOI alert this morning. Jumped in there too. Infinite and extreme thanks....
Alison E.
Hi Scott, I'll be out of country for couple of months on official business and would like to cancel my membership. Thanks and once again it was great pleasure learning so much from you and the incredible stock picks you recommend everyday. They have been stellar....
Anil C.
I just wanted to send you a brief note for two reasons. First, in 10+ years of trials and subscriptions of various market services and indicators, yours is undoubtedly the first one that exceeded my expectations. I found significant value to your straight-forward, "learn as you go" educational perspective and want to congratulate you on an except...
Hey Scott. I have subscribed to your system for 1 week now and I can't tell you how happy I am. I check the texts and chat throughout the day and make my own call on which trades to take and where to set my stops and targets. In one week I am up over $1000 with minimal risk and time invested. With so many scams online I can honestly say that li...
Mike B
Hey Scott, just wanted to let you know that I'm up about 10% my first week of joining your service. This is after a thus far horrid year of trading "with my gut" and being down around 40% for the year. Your service, website, and alerts are extremely on point, well organized and well explained. I am truly grateful to you for offering this service a...
Nick S.
Hi Scott, Thank you for setting up my trial account. I’ve successfully traded TK and SEDG so far, based on your spot on alerts. Also, your website is very informational, I enjoy going over the charts, chart settings you use, and the examples and explanations. Have a nice weekend, Hans H....
Hans H.
i am finally having a great time trading...
Daniel W.
Even though I've been a member since the beginning of year, I didn't start trading until September 4th. I got a 70,000 bonus from work and opened up an account. At the end of the trading day today, my account balance is $74,956.29. So I've profited $4,956.29 or 7.1% on my 70k in about a month. I know it's not a lot but considering it's only been a ...
Andrew H.
Hey Scott, Just wanted to write to thank you for the quick response this morning. It is so great to use a service that I don't have to be glued to a computer. Very happy so far, off tomorrow and will finally be joining you in Chat. Thanks! P.S. To all thinking about joining, best getting started page ever!!!...
Gustavo A
Very nice service you are offering here. I love the attention to detail and the constant updates. Your dedication to this really shows, so thank you. ...
Chisom A.
Outstanding day today! Best thus far. Had to increase the width of my columns on my spreadsheet today as my account total increased so much that I needed another decimal place! Now THAT's a good day....
Dave G.
Thanks for convincing me to hold SCO, sold PM for 6.3k profit! Looks like oil is broken. You the man!...
Jason H.
Your perspective is a constant daily source of sanity in a sea of emotional opinions. ty! from a tradepro member....
Paula R.
Still in VDSI @ $24.82. EXCELLENT GAINS! Got stopped out of GPRO @ $58 (from $43.xx, excellent gains!) Thanks again for your service. It's paid for itself through 2020 just about. :-)...
Reid H.
I've tried other services but returned back to you because you’re the most consistent....
Satyam V.
Hi Scott, just wanted to inform you that you are doing some amazing stuff. God bless you, this has been my best month of the year. Getting more confidence with you alongside!...
Neetu V.
Dear Scott I am a new but quiet member of your service. I joined a few weeks ago and want to express how pleased I am. I am not able to be part of the live chat, however I pay strict attention to your live alerts and am very impressed with the accuracy of your calls. I made over $3k with my first trade NLNK on 11/28. Since then, I have trad...
Crystal L.
YELP where else can u make over 4% in less than 3 minutes?? haha! i thought no stay... greedy, greedy look what TWTR did, but I followed my scalping process and headed out to play with my dogs... and look what happened. theres something particularly sweet in making money on the days when u expect choppy to nothing, u have me look...
Pauline C.
Dear Scott I'm a loyal customer and I just want you to know that I'm counting on your Live Alert emails more than the chatroom. My time zone doesn't allow me to get in the chat room for every session. People like me who are not able to be in live chat love your service and updates. I made money last two months from your alerts more than I...
Hasan H.
Just wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent with you in the Chat. You did an amazing job showing/teaching everyone, and as a beginner I learned so much from you, Rome and the rest of the amazing group you assembled. Unfortunately, these next few months, I need to focus on my career. (Thanks to some of the earnings I made from ...
Andrew M.
PLUG worked. Rest is still in cooking. Sorry, I could not join the chat room because of office meetings. Thank you for hard work you do. What I love about you, is you boost my confidence. I could never have that in me before....
Scott, You may or may not remember me but I just wanted to commend you on your service and education for others benefit. I hope to join your service again soon. Not the right time yet. There are many services across twitter and stocktwits that have sprung up but very few that teach on real stocks not P&D. Your commitment to others excellence and ...
Ryan Y.
Unfortunately I have to cancel my subscription for a few months. My schedule has changed and it's very hard for me to find time to actively trade. I'd like to thank you for everything you've taught me. My 8 months here was very worth the money. You are a great leader and I hope you all the best in the future. There will be a chance that I could ret...
I got so much from your UGAZ explanations today. I added lower with more sense of what's going on rather than just the levels I can see. I can't take in level 2 along with everything else. My head would explode, so it's awesome to hear what you're seeing and thinking from a super experienced perspective. I really can't get enough of your storie...
Pauline C.
One of the main reasons I joined your team was to get some more discipline in my trading. I am a bit slick with charts and I can pick some good entry points, but I am terrible at selling. And because of that flaw, I have watched a lot of my profits erode last year. I simply had no discipline. But ever since I joined your team, my portfolio has gon...
It's been a great week being introduced to your service. I am really pleased with the high level of solid charts, great advice on entries, exits, technical stuff, etc. But best of all, I feel like I really am in a class room. There are lot's of wise voices and I appreciate all. But especially thanks to you for really smart, clear advice, hands on c...
Tim S.
Unfortunately I can't get into chat during working hours so I rely heavily on your awesome email alerts. Thank you for this alert, Scott! I made my first short term trade! :) DANG!...
Deepa J.
You are really good Scott I have had a bunch of subscriptions but your's is by far the most profitable. I'm in it for life....
Hamza J.
I would like to say I honestly did enjoy being in your chat room. It was like having a trading buddy next to me constantly coaching and alerting. I really have to applaud you for your never ending voice. You work very hard for your subscribers. You are honest, genuine, and caring to your subscribers. I felt it and appreciated it. I definitely will ...
Wayne L.
When I first joined with Scott back in April, I was very apprehensive because I had got so burned by the markets and two traders whose sites I joined. Scott has a very strong work ethic and my faith and trust has been built in his work....
Michelle W.
I really like it when you reinforce an alert because you feel very positive about it. It actually gives us a second chance to get in if we missed the initial alert. Thank you...
Wayne L.
I don't know how you do it, but just when no one wants the stock, you're telling everyone to buy buy buy.... then the top traders get in.... you're way ahead of the game....
I've been to 4 different alert services and trade rooms only two have made me money, but this has made me the most in less time....
I haven't seen someone nail as many calls as you. appreciate it....
Hello Scott, I am really enjoying your day trade room. It is not overwhelming and easy to follow your thoughts about the stocks. I like when you point out the setups. Thanks very much!...
It's been an interesting couple weeks and I've learned a lot from the stock info. and charts that you share every day and how to seize those opportunities while at the same time limiting my losses where the stocks go the opposite direction to my bet. Thanks....
I'm impressed by your work. I have studied about so called 30 online guru's who promise millions, but to me you seem most dedicated, realistic and honest....
I have been watching you (not trading your calls) You really are what you say you are and excellent at that Scott Keep up the good work, I will now start trading your trades. You made a believer out of me...
I like the way you inform the members, especially me, every time you close a position. You are our eyes and ears when we don't have the luxury of monitoring the market. Thanks,...
Just wanted to say I am really enjoying your commentary, chat, and trade ideas. Really like your strategy and your mindset for trading. Took me many years and a bit of cash but finally getting to a place where I can take positive profits consistently. I'm a recent graduate from University, so while managing properties I am continuing to trade to ...
Hi, Scott! Just want you to know how much I appreciate your guidance. My portfolio is on the mend thanks to you. My husband & I live in Minnesota, but, am currently on Nantucket visiting his 89 year old mother. We're kinda on the remote end of the island here, thus my inability to use my computer. I am just using my iPhone to receive your email...
Just wanted to thank you again for this morning with the NUGT call, got my money back and then some. You really saved me there, I was about to sell it when i emailed you:) Anyway, i'm still in gold, but this time i got in GG, al little safer than NUGT....
Ioan S
I just wanted to write you a quick note to thank you for all you've done for me so far. I am learning a ton even though sometimes it's hard to see what you see. I know eventually that I will start seeing what you see one of these days. You truly are a mastertrader and can't wait to learn more and have more successful trades with you. I have al...
I like the fact that you are methodical and clear in both reasoning for entry and exit and have given clear and frequent chart explanations which creates a sense of calm and confidence in managing a trade....
It's been an interesting couple weeks and I've learned a lot from the stock info. and charts that you share every day and how to seize those opportunities while at the same time limiting my losses where the stocks go the opposite direction to my bet. Thanks....