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DECK  July 25th, 2024 / Alert at  860.00 (After Earnings)

NOW  July 24th, 2024 / Alert at  739.40 (After Earnings)






TSLA  June 21st, 2024 / Alert at  182.48  / Alerted this considerably lower after their most recent earnings (AH) at $147.20

Update July 3rd, 2024  Thought it prudent to alert subscribers to consider taking profits at 263.40  Thinking too high, too fast

Position Closed
Up 79 %
since initial alert
Up 44.3% since most recent alert

ARM  May 21st, 2024 / Alert at $112.84   Reversal attempt pushing back up off support; the 20 day moving average.

Update June 18th, 2024  Thought it prudent to alert subscribers to consider taking profit at 176.15

Seeing it as overextended at this level and just too easy not to take, it while it’s here to be taken. Assure Profit

Position Closed  Up 55.1% since alert given at $112.84 on May 21st, 2024

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