Hi Scott, just wanted to inform you that you are doing some amazing stuff. God bless you, this has been my best month of the year. Getting more confidence with you alongside!

Neetu V.

Dear Scott
I am a new but quiet member of your service. I joined a few weeks ago and want to express how pleased I am. I am not able to be part of the live chat, however I pay strict attention to your live alerts and am very impressed with the accuracy of your calls.

I made over $3k with my first trade NLNK on 11/28. Since then, I have traded SFS, EYES, TUBE, KITE, VA and TRUE. I appreciate the timeliness of your alerts and the focus of your comments in the chat room (I read the transcripts at the end of the day).
Thank you for all of these gems in an otherwise rocky market.

Crystal L.

YELP where else can u make over 4% in less than 3 minutes?? haha!

i thought no stay… greedy, greedy look what TWTR did, but I followed my scalping process and headed out to play with my dogs… and look what happened.

theres something particularly sweet in making money on the days when u expect choppy to nothing,

u have me looking in all sorts of places i wouldn’t be looking plus your commentary, cautious but… helps me tune out the bearish opinions and get down to work. plus all those mentions in there has me casting a wider and wider net as i learn to apply my process to trades on the fly…

the more i improve at following, staying in longer and longer your trades the more i make.
wow…. wow!!

another awesome, fun $ day!!!!!

Pauline C.

Dear Scott
I’m a loyal customer and I just want you to know that I’m counting on your Live Alert emails more than the chatroom. My time zone doesn’t allow me to get in the chat room for every session.

People like me who are not able to be in live chat love your service and updates.

I made money last two months from your alerts more than I made in 2013.

The best service ever for me since 2005


Hasan H.

Just wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent with you in the Chat. You did an amazing job showing/teaching everyone, and as a beginner I learned so much from you, Rome and the rest of the amazing group you assembled. Unfortunately, these next few months, I need to focus on my career. (Thanks to some of the earnings I made from you, I am following my dream to become a Sailing Instructor/Captain in the United States Virgin Islands) I plan to rejoin you in the future but right now as I transition to a new home, and and a new career every penny counts. Take care Scott and I will CERTAINLY be back as soon as I can

Andrew M.

PLUG worked. Rest is still in cooking.

Sorry, I could not join the chat room because of office meetings.
Thank you for hard work you do.

What I love about you, is you boost my confidence. I could never have that in me before.


You may or may not remember me but I just wanted to commend you on your service and education for others benefit. I hope to join your service again soon. Not the right time yet.
There are many services across twitter and stocktwits that have sprung up but very few that teach on real stocks not P&D. Your commitment to others excellence and benefit shows every week on those platforms.
I just wanted to share. Happy trading!
Be blessed

Ryan Y.

Unfortunately I have to cancel my subscription for a few months. My schedule has changed and it’s very hard for me to find time to actively trade. I’d like to thank you for everything you’ve taught me. My 8 months here was very worth the money. You are a great leader and I hope you all the best in the future. There will be a chance that I could return to trading after September. I will return to the room later this week to say good bye to the rest of the members. Again, thank you so much Scott. I’m glad I got a chance to trade with you and I’m 10 times smarter now at trading because of you!


I got so much from your UGAZ explanations today. I added lower with more sense of what’s going on rather than just the levels I can see.
I can’t take in level 2 along with everything else. My head would explode, so it’s awesome to hear what you’re seeing and thinking from a super experienced perspective.

I really can’t get enough of your stories and examples about other traders and your own mistakes. It really helps me to remember I’m in a learning curve shared by many many others before me. 🙂

Awesome teaching today !!

Pauline C.

One of the main reasons I joined your team was to get some more discipline in my trading. I am a bit slick with charts and I can pick some good entry points, but I am terrible at selling. And because of that flaw, I have watched a lot of my profits erode last year. I simply had no discipline.
But ever since I joined your team, my portfolio has gone up 15% in the last month and on track to go up another 15% this month. And that is simply because I have a coach telling me when to sell – and that is priceless.

Not to mention there are an excellent group of people to trade with, and making money as a team is far more fun and rewarding than making money alone. I have learned a ton just trading in your room and I am looking forward to being a member for a long long time. I may not be as active after Jan, but I’ll be relying on your live alerts to continue making money consistently hand over fist!
$79/month – best money I ever spent.

