Hi Scott,
I like your style Scott and certainly admire the level of work you are putting in.
And though I’ve been doing this awhile I’m learning some moves from you that are new to me.

Doug N.

Hi Scott

When I joined your subscription service, I had a loss of close to $300K on a portfolio of $1 million. In the last 4 months, I made as much as $200K profit and all the thanks goes to you. I still have a loss of less than $100K, but I have confidence that I will make it in the next 2 months.  You are a great soul

Shankar G.

I made $30k profit in the last couple of weeks trading APP and APPS. Neither stock was on my radar prior. Thanks for all the hard work. I know it’s not easy!

Daniel G

Hi Scott,
I have been a member for just a few weeks. Great service! Probably the best I have tried. I am hoping to expand my membership to include chat-willing to pre-pay for the year. Not sure how i can go about making this change. Thanks in advance.

Marc C.

Thanks a lot, Scott. You have been a great guide and advisor. I have been earning profits from the trades advised by you. I had accumulated huge losses about 20% plus in YTD trading and was anxious earlier but no more now, as I am confident of recovering the losses.

Ganesh S.

Just saying hello! I should be more interactive but I follow along and do trade actively throughout the day too. I’m feeling pretty good with the way the month/quarter shaped up.
I’m finishing at the highs of the year so far after getting a little beaten up last month.
Hope all is well!

Andrew H.

Happy Saturday Scott,

I have been a member for a few months and I love picking from your alerts, you post them, I chart them, if they meet what I am doing at that point I will invest, its a great tool..

I’m working a full time job, for now and trading part time during the day. The bigger value of your service just showed itself to me this week. When you started posting weakness in the market, telling us you were off margin, then increasing your cash position. I followed your lead, and protected my principal and profits I had made year to date..

Thanks to your sharing what your doing, along with your opinion in what you were seeing, I was not one of the investors posting all week about all the red in their account, I was quietly sitting back with my cash position looking at my protected gains for the year waiting for the reversal.

Thank you,

John M.

I’ve been following Scott’s service on and off for the past 4 years and commend him for being a master at what he does. The fact that he’s consistently successful allowed me to build my confidence as I trade & invest (& speculate, LOL). My learning journey can be summed up through Isaac Newton’s quote, “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulder of giants.” In this example I have seen further than others at age 24 by amassing a 7 figure portfolio. The giant in this example is obviously Scott, as his alerts Monday through Friday eliminate the noise from the markets. Needless to say- the education I’ve gained has paid exponentially.

Q. D.

Scott just let you know that  – following your right strategy I made the highest profit in one day – and still making more by doing swing.

A million thank you to you,  hopefully I’m going to paid off my student loan very soon, will update you when that happens.

Samuel D.


This month marks the one-year anniversary since I began using your service. I’m not sure exactly when I began but I think it was the beginning of August. So I wanted to give you some feedback on my experience so far.

First some background, I’m 52 years old and I’ve been trading since the late 90’s, yes I had my first huge losses during the dot com crash. Through the years I only traded part-time and sporadically due to my work schedule. About two years ago I decided to trade full-time. I stopped working days so I would be able to watch the market. I started bartending nights and weekends to cover monthly bills and decided to let any and all stock gains continue to build. The first year I made about 50% on my money and at the time I was pretty happy with that. I had subscribed to other services that were ok but I think I did better on my own trades. For the most part I was pretty much trading on my own until I stumbled onto your site while browsing the net.

When I started with you, I already knew that in order to properly evaluate your service I’d need to give it at minimum, 3-4 months, probably even longer.  So I was already committed for the long term, and I’m glad I did.

The results have been nothing short of amazing. Since subscribing to your service last year I’ve doubled my money in that time frame. This, despite the fact that I had to take several breaks from trading, for weeks at a time to care for my elderly Father. So basically, I doubled my money despite only trading for the equivalent of about 8 months in that span. It gets better.  I doubled my money despite my own stupid mistakes along the way; selling too early into huge rallies, not setting tight enough stops and taking bigger losses than I should have, and not trading some of your best setups. If I hadn’t made those stupid mistakes or had to take prolonged breaks from trading, I could’ve tripled my money or more!

I love your service and I can’t believe that some people quit and don’t appreciate the value you provide. I can’t imagine the amount of time and energy you put into providing us with quality set-ups, despite the fact that you have your plate full with small kids. Do you even sleep at all? Lol. You could triple what you charge and it would still be well worth it. (Don’t misinterpret this as a request to raise rates, lol)

I don’t want to be overly dramatic, but my decision to use your service has been life changing. Yes, I’m dead serious. I want to retire my wife, and quit my bartending job and support us with my trading income. I can actually see a path to this becoming a reality by the end of next year.

So I just want to tell you how much I appreciate what you do and what it’s meant to me and my wife. I love your chat room and my wife and I get a kick out of your singing and enthusiasm. Keep up the good work, and ignore the haters because you’ve made a big difference in my financial well being and I appreciate what you do. And BTW, if you and your family are ever in California, I want to buy you guys dinner, it’s the least I can do to show my appreciation. Thanks for everything, keep up the good work.

Lou N.